Minister of Migration: “It’s about bringing about a more efficient return from Sweden”
People who have their asylum application rejected must leave Sweden before they can apply for asylum again, Tidöpartierna suggests.
In addition, it must take five years before a new application can be sent.
– We assess that the proposals will increase re-immigration and that they will reduce the number of unfounded asylum applications, says Migration Minister Johan Forssell (M).
The government believes that there is a problem with many people going underground after having their asylum application rejected. Today, a decision is time-barred after four years, and it has been shown that many have stayed in Sweden illegally until they can apply for asylum again.
– This creates risks for Sweden’s security, to have so many people in Sweden without a legal right to be here, says Jakob Forssell.
“More efficient return”
Now the Tidö parties propose that people who have had their asylum application rejected must leave Sweden before they can apply for asylum again. In addition, at least five years must have passed before a new application can be submitted.
– It is about achieving a more efficient return from Sweden. If immigration is to be regulated and credible, it is not only required that a yes is a yes, but also that a no is a no, says Johan Forssell at the press conference.
The purpose of the proposal is to increase re-immigration and to reduce the number of unfounded asylum applications, says the migration minister.
The government and SD also want to abolish the so-called track change, that is, the possibility to apply for a work permit after an asylum application has been rejected.