The Tidö parties: The criminal law must be reviewed

The Tido parties The criminal law must be reviewed
full screen Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (M) (in the middle), Richard Jomshof (SD), chairman of the Riksdag’s justice committee (on the right) and Torsten Elofsson, legal policy spokesperson for the Christian Democrats (on the left). Archive image. Photo: Anders Wiklund/TT

More arrests, longer prison sentences and fewer exemptions in courts. It is the focus when the Swedish criminal law is now to be overhauled, writes Tidöpartierna on DN Debatt.

The government continues on its established line of stiffening penalties in a number of areas. Prosecutor General Petra Lundh is now tasked with reviewing the criminal law, the government and the Sweden Democrats announce.

The goal is for more people to be able to be detained and prison sentences to become both more frequent and longer – all in accordance with the proposals previously presented in the Tidö Agreement.

“The criminal justice system has been patched and mended, but not reformed as a whole to face a new reality”, writes Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (M) and legal policy spokespersons Richard Jomshof (SD), Torsten Elofsson (KD) and Juno Blom (L) in DN.

The Attorney General must, among other things, review the abolition of the quantity discount and the introduction of double punishment for gang criminals. The government also wants courts to use the upper part of the punishment scale in more cases, and to take less account of the convicted person’s personal circumstances when sentencing.

On Wednesday, Gunnar Strömmer (M) has called a press conference where the mission in its entirety will be presented.

FACTS Proposal for new criminal law

Tightening of the penalty scales.

Double punishment for gang criminals.

Today’s quantity discount is to be abolished.

The upper part of the penalty scale should be used more.

No presumption against imprisonment.

Less consideration of the convict’s personal circumstances.

More are to be detained.

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