The ticket price to Gotland has increased by 50 percent: “Great concern”

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In the past year, the price for trips to and from Gotland has increased by 50 percent. Now the Gotland region believes that it has gone too far. – The situation is quite clear here, says Meit Fohlin (S), chairman of the regional board. The ferry price was increased by 30 percent on January 12, which means that the price of the tickets in the past year has been increased by 50 percent. Chairman of the Gotland regional board, Meit Fohlin (S), believes that the business community and Gotland residents cannot bear the cost increase themselves. According to her, it would be reasonable for the conditions to be the same across the country. – These are cost increases that come on top of all the other cost increases that the rest of the country sees for everything else. It’s a given, of course, says Meit Fohlin. How Gotland is affected by increased travel prices It is not only Gotland residents who are affected by the increased prices. There are also risks that visitors, such as mainland Swedes, cancel trips. – We risk losing our competitiveness and also the hospitality industry, says Meit Fohlin and continues: – However, it is not the visitors that are a pity, but the people of Gotland who do not get the same conditions as the rest of the country. According to Meit Fohlin, the increased travel prices also affect the import and export of food to and from the island: – A carrot from Gotland costs 50 percent more than what it cost a few months ago to transport to a store. So we risk losing our competitiveness when it comes to the green industry. “A question of fate for us” The region has reacted and wants to ensure equal conditions for residents of the island. – This is the question that preoccupies us most now. It is a question of destiny for us in order to be able to attract the employees of the future to want to move here and live here, says Meit Fohlin. According to her, you work both short and long term to see a change. Region Gotland has therefore sent a letter to the government that wants to compensate Gotland residents and the business community for the price increase. The traffic for the ferry must also be procured before 2027. Watch the clips where Meit Fohlin talks about the increased ticket prices to Gotland.
