The Thor 4 reviews are surprisingly bad

The Thor 4 reviews are surprisingly bad

In the first reactions shared on Twitter, Thor 4 was greeted euphorically. One day before the theatrical release in Germany, critics around the world were allowed to submit theirs Reviews publish – and the curb enthusiasm. That’s not unusual. Twitter reviews are traditionally more positive because they allow fewer nuances in the ratings.

The brief overview: These are the reviews and criticisms of Thor 4

  • Just in Comparison with the predecessor Thor 3 Thor 4 looks bad
  • Thor 3: Day of Decision came in at one on review aggregator Meta Critic Average of 74 percent agreement

  • The new Thor 4: Love and Thunder manages a cut of 16 reviews less only 62 percent
  • The colleagues from FILMSTARTS award 3 stars in their Thor 4 review. Thor 3 still had 3.5 stars.
  • Above all, it is criticized narrative aimlessness and superficiality. Of the humor is a blessing and a curse at the same time. He is praised Cast around Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Christian Bale, Tessa Thompson and Russell Crowe. Overall you can 120 minutes of crazy fun and action expect. And that’s all most Marvel fans want from the new MCU entries. Not as bad as you might thought.
  • Watch the bombastic trailer for Thor 4

    Thor: Love and Thunder – Trailer (German) HD

    The negative reviews of Thor 4: At least not as bad as Thor 2

    We’ll start with the worst rip off, then we’ll be through with that. Seattle Times’ Scott Greenstone compares the Marvel film to the darker hours of superhero cinema:

    I wish I’d seen Batman & Robin or Superman IV because their deliberately colorful finish made those films feel less pointless and more human than Thor 4, which is a cheap commercial for upcoming Marvel content.

    This Blame on MCU movies is as old as the MCU itself: In the cinematic universe system, the individual works lose their independence. The criticism above is a classic angry smear. We don’t get a grounded rating here.

    However, Joshua Rivera’s polygon review is also violent:

    Thor: Love and Thunder is not only a misfire, he is a fraud. The characters only develop in the most artificial way possible. Her state at the end of the film is no more engaging than at the beginning. It’s the worst thing a movie in this mode can be: inconsistent.

    Slash Film’s Josh Spiegel is even clearer about the blockbuster’s problems. The film tries to be funny and profound at the same time. Some Marvel films have struggled with this interplay in the past.

    […] but his attempts at humor are as sweaty as they are numerous, and his moments of pathos and tragedy are as unexpected as they are badly executed. As much as the cast and [Regisseur] Taika Waititi also try it just doesn’t work. Thor 3 felt effortless. Thor 4 tries hard and doesn’t have much to show for it.

    A poisoned compliment to end the bad reviews:

    The best that can be said about Thor: Love and Thunder, while the experience is uncomfortable: It’s not nearly as bad as Thor 2: The Dark Kingdom.
    The positive reviews of Thor 4: Lots of humor and lots of emotions

    According to Variety’s Owen Gleiberman, the mix of humor and tragedy works:

    The mix of tones – the sassy and the deadly, the funky and the romantic – makes Thor 4 stronger, keeping him unexpected and emotionally alive.

    Empire’s Ben Travis writes a heart-warming sentence for MCU fans that confirms Variety’s rating:

    Whimsical than Thor 3 but incredibly genuine in its attitude, this Thor sequel is a great, beautiful fun. You will love it and probably thunder too [ein Wortspiel, das dem englischen Titel abgleitet ist]. What a classic Thor adventure!

    Indie Wire’s David Ehrlich shouldn’t be missing from an MCU review, and he’s given a somewhat weary but fairly generous assessment here as well

    Love and Thunder is much of the same, but it’s no less than that either. At the end of the film, the MCU is still looking for meaning, but the mega-franchise can take comfort in that Thor has found some meaning for himself.

    You can stream all three Thor movies on Disney+*. Thor 4: Love and Thunder launches on July 6, 2022 in the cinema.

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