The thin blue line Amanda Jansson’s success – gets a new leading role

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

Amanda Jansson, 32, was born in Skärplinge in Uppland and now lives in Gävle. In high school, she attended the theater department in Gävle and began to dream about her future acting dreams.

A former teacher is said to have advised her to apply further to folk high school. Amanda gave it a chance and entered the Theater line at Fridhem folk high school.

During October this year, Amanda Jansson began preparing for the role of the Åland farmer’s wife Stormskärs-Maja in the film of the same name.

Amanda Jansson – known from Thin Blue Line and Night Riders

Amanda Jansson quickly became the whole country’s favorite police officer after her acting in “The Thin Blue Line” in 2021. The series depicts the police’s chaotic everyday life, where she played “policeSara” who had just graduated and had just taken up his first position in Malmö.

Cilla Jackertmain author of the series, pays tribute to Amanda Jansson in an interview with the newspaper Everyone’s and says that “Sara has a face as expressive as (the actor) Ullmann’s life“.

– It was completely new for me to have such a large role and be part of such a large production. I had a small role in season three of Our Time is Now, but for Thin Blue Line I had over 90 shooting days. It’s the absolute biggest thing I’ve done, says Amanda Jansson You

During November, Amanda Jansson can be seen in the chilling drama series Natryttarna, which is a strong recovery story. There she plays the role of Fridathe “self-destructing girl” who stands out Tommy’s abuse at Heddesta horse farm.

Here you can read more about the Night Riders, which is based on Sophie Jan’s upbringing.

Does Amanda Jansson have a partner or boyfriend?

Amanda Jansson is listed at an address in Gävle, no one else but her lives at the address.

In an earlier interview from last summer with The Express she tells about a boyfriend and their joint summer plans. But it is still unclear who Amanda Jansson’s love is.
