The therapeutic virtues of CBD against anxiety disorders

The therapeutic virtues of CBD against anxiety disorders

Although it has been talked about a lot for a few years now, CBD – or cannabidiol by its real name – continues to raise questions about its so-called “miracle” virtues. While some use it to reduce sleep problems and insomnia, for others it acts as an anti-anxiety remedy. The editorial staff of Futura was interested in the beneficial effects of CBD that can even replace medicinal anxiolytics.

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Perhaps you have heard a lot about it or have you already learned about CBD in Paris : cannabidiol is completely legal on French territory. What makes it different from cannabis? CBD does not contain THC (cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol), an element classified as psychotropic that causes psychoactive effects or addiction. Cannabidiol is therefore composed of extracts of hemp plants but does not provide any recreational action.

Nearly 20% of the population suffers from anxiety disorders

To be more precise, it would be 15% to 20% of the population who suffer from anxiety during their lifetime. This is what the French Social Security claims on its Ameli website. Several factors are likely to be the cause of the anxiety: the professional environment, the private life, the family environment and the childhood lived or even the relationship to the news.

This anxiety takes different forms in the individuals who suffer from it. The acceleration of the heart rate, a feeling of nervousness that persists, shortness of breath or heaviness in the chest, a feeling of deep malaise are some examples. These emotional reactions are completely normal in a typical scenario. An annoyance, a conflict or a period of stress at work can be the cause.

Very complex, anxiety takes forms as diverse and varied as there are individuals. More generally, here are some disturbances felt by anxious people:

  • social phobia;
  • of the obsessive compulsive disorder (TOC);
  • a persistent state of worry;
  • panic attacks;
  • specific phobias…

However, anxiety can be disabling from the moment it leaves no respite to the person who suffers it. When it is an integral part of everyday life, at any time of the day and night, this anxiety which should only be temporary then turns into anxiety disorders and the issues for finding relief are multiple. While some people will opt for psychological or medical support, others turn to CBD and its anxiolytic promises.

Anxiolytic properties cannabidiol

CBD would be a natural alternative to reduce transient or chronic anxiety, which is increasingly favored in favor of medicinal solutions… Regular intake of CBD would in fact make it possible to reduce physical discomfort and emotional states that are not related to disease or pathology. The advantage? Cannabibiol does not require a prescription or medical follow-up.

Although many studies are still underway to explore how CBD works on our brains, it is not possible to draw definitive conclusions at this time. However, if we take into account the figures and the opinions of consumers, many of them seem to find a form of appeasement in it.

CBD is said to have stimulating properties to activate the production of serotonin, thus providing an anti-anxiety effect. It is a hormone naturally secreted by the body that regulates sleep and mood. It is also called “the hormone of happiness”.

For its part, the World Health Organization (WHO) had affirmed in a report that CBD would not pose any risk to the health of consumers and even lent them possible therapeutic benefits. It does not cause addiction or side effects even after prolonged use.

In addition, in 2017, studies carried out in the laboratory by Current Neuropharmacol in animal models have notably demonstrated the anti-panic properties of cannabidiol in rats. In the conclusions of this study, the researchers even consider CBD as a substitute for benzodiazepines (drugs known to slow down brain activity and provide relaxing sensations, even drowsiness).

Today, CBD still arouses the interest of the scientific and medical community to determine what are the real effects of cannabidiol and its role on several receptors in the brain.

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