the testimony of Stéphane Hessel on RFI

the testimony of Stephane Hessel on RFI

On January 27, 2005, France and Europe commemorated the 60th anniversary of the arrival of Soviet troops at Auschwitz, which marked the liberation of this Nazi extermination camp. On this occasion, Pierre Ganz from RFI and Alain Louyot from L’Express received Stéphane Hessel, former deportee, resistance fighter and former French ambassador to the United Nations.

First broadcast date 01/22/2005.

Stéphane Hessel, as a resistance fighter during the Second World War, also experienced deportation to the concentration camps of Buchenwald, then Dora, in Germany. Born in 1917 in Berlin, naturalized French at the age of 20, this diplomat participated in the drafting of the universal charter of human rights of the United Nations and represented France at the UN. Very committed to a number of humanitarian causes, tireless despite his eighty-eight years at the time of this interview, he continued his fight until his death on February 27, 2013: “ Forgetting is perhaps a word that I would be tempted to reject… On the contrary, we must take the message and project it on the world of the 21st century. »
