The teacher saved his life – now they lecture together

When Micke Blomberg, 15, was 13 years old, he planned his second suicide attempt.
He was rescued by his attentive teacher Jenny Bergström and today they lecture on mental illness together.
– It’s not run because you feel bad, says Micke Blomberg in News Morning.

Micke grew up with parents in abuse. In seventh grade, he felt so bad that life didn’t feel worth living anymore. In school, Micke’s teacher noticed that something had changed with him.

– Micke got a little more closed. Not as open, not as social. It was seen on his posture. Something wasn’t quite as it should, says Jenny Bergström.

That Jenny stretched out his hand and asked how Micke was feeling, became his rescue.

– I was really stressed, I didn’t want to tell you this. But we had had great contact in the seven so I told you. It was very busy, because that’s when I understood how bad it was, says Micke.

“Then I realized that life is worth living”

After the help of Jenny, curators and the social services, it was like a weight lifted. Micke quickly understood that his own story could mean something to others in similar situations.

– Then I realized that life is worth living. I told Jenny “Now let’s do something to help others,” he says.

What started as a single lecture quickly became a tour at various schools, village associations and social services. There, Micke leads the lecture which is about mental illness but also has elements of music and various guests.

The importance of the lectures

In connection with the lectures, Micke has heard several stories, which has meant a lot.

– The finest thing about everything is when people dare to tell and open up. That’s a help to them too.

Jenny also thinks that it is important, as an adult, to be ready to ask a genuine question and listen to the answer.

– It’s so easy to ask “how is it?” And they answer “that’s good” and then you settle for it. But not to settle for it, but want to have an honest meant answer. Then that you are really there and listen.

– You don’t have to solve everything, but you have to listen.

Hit you can turn around if you feel bad

BREEZE – Support by telephone: 116 111, e -mail and chat for children up to 18 years. Also has a support line for adults about children.

Mind – Association that offers several guidelines and chatting when you need someone who listens. Among other things, the lifeline for those who are between 16-25 years, as well as the suicide line.

Dandelion child – Available for those who are between 13-19 years old and who have a parent who has an abuse, feels mentally ill or exposes you to violence.

Spes – Organization that offers support and assistance to anyone who lost a family member, relative, partner or good friend through suicide.

On -call friend: Chat: (For children and young people up to 25 years)

Care Guide 1177 – Healthcare advice and information about your nearest psychiatric reception.

In case of acute suicide risk, contact a psychiatric emergency room or call 112.

Yesterday 09:56

The teacher saved his life – now they lecture together

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