The Taliban’s decision to prevent women from working in organizations could be disastrous for Afghanistan, the US Secretary of State warns

The Talibans decision to prevent women from working in organizations

Representatives of the UN and dozens of non-governmental organizations operating in Afghanistan are meeting today.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned Saturday local time that the Taliban regime’s decision to prevent women from working in NGOs could be disastrous for Afghanistan.

– I am deeply concerned that when the Taliban prevent women from delivering humanitarian aid in Afghanistan, it could disrupt the delivery of vital aid to millions of people, Blinken tweeted.

– This decision can be disastrous for the people of Afghanistan, he continued.

The Taliban regime has ordered all national and international NGOs to prevent their female employees from working. Non-governmental organizations that neglect the order have been threatened with having their business licenses suspended.

Dozens of national and international NGOs continue to work in various sectors in remote areas of Afghanistan, many of whom are women. The Taliban, who seized power last year, promised a softer regime than during their previous reign, but the movement has increased restrictions in all areas of women’s lives, despite international protests.

“Afghanistan has become hell for women”

Representatives of the UN and dozens of non-governmental organizations working in Afghanistan are meeting today to discuss how to continue operations in Afghanistan.

According to representatives of some non-governmental organizations, the meeting will also discuss whether all aid activities of organizations in Afghanistan will be stopped following the new decision of the Taliban regime.

– I am the sole breadwinner of my family. If I lose my job, my family of 15 will starve, said the 24-year-old Shabana.

He works for a non-governmental organization that has been operating in Afghanistan for decades.

– When the world celebrates the new year, Afghanistan has become hell for women, he said.

According to the Taliban regime, female workers of non-governmental organizations do not follow the rules related to wearing the hijab headscarf and other work-related regulations.

Female workers interviewed by AFP deny the Taliban’s claims.

– Our office is segregated by gender, and all women are appropriately dressed, said a person working for an NGO Arezo.

Afghanistan’s economic crisis has worsened since the Taliban regained power in August last year.

Millions of Afghans depend on aid from non-governmental organizations.
