The Taliban now banned hairdressers – women no longer have access to secondary schools or parks either

The Taliban now banned hairdressers women no longer have

The UN reported in March that under the Taliban regime, Afghanistan has become the most oppressive country in the world for women’s rights.

– It seems that the Taliban has no other political plan than to focus on women’s bodies.

This is how an anonymous Afghan woman commented for the BBC after hearing about the Taliban regime’s decision to close hair salons and beauty salons in Afghanistan.

A representative of the Ministry of Chastity of the Taliban regime said that companies have been given a month to obey the closure order. Hair salons and beauty salons were ordered to close on Sunday.

The administration has not explained why the closure order was issued.

The Taliban has restricted the rights of women and girls since it came to power last fall. The Taliban has already, among other things, banned women from working in the majority of jobs and denied girls from studying after elementary school. Women are also ordered to stay at home unless it is necessary to leave. They must wear a full-body burqa.

According to the regulations of the administration, on longer journeys of more than 70 kilometers, a woman must be accompanied by a male family member or escort. In addition, women are prohibited from entering parks and gyms, writes the The Washington Post.

After US troops left Afghanistan in August 2021, the Taliban rose back to power in just a few months.

The UN reported in March that under the Taliban regime, Afghanistan has become the most oppressive country in the world for women’s rights.
