The system that can produce clean and cheap electricity with wave movements

The system that can produce clean and cheap electricity with

Every step taken on clean energy is of great importance for the future. This time with wave movements clean energy system that can produce sound brings.

This Waveline Magnets behind the system called Sea Wave Energy Ltd (SWEL) firm is located. The system, which has been developed for a long time and whose real tests have been carried out as a prototype, uses the endless wave movement in the sea and with a specially established infrastructure. can produce energy in a clean way. The system, which is reported to be able to produce up to 100-megawatts of electricity with large installations that can be made in suitable locations, is clearly displayed in the video above with computer designs that explain the usage process well. The infrastructure, which is reported to be more efficient than some of its counterparts and the general industry standard, is at the center of major development efforts based in Southern Cyprus and the UK, as noted.

Of course, other companies are working on producing clean electricity from the sea. Many companies are establishing large windmill farms on the sea, Orbital Marine Power by a Scottish tidal energy It includes a turbine powered by In fact, there is a Turkish company behind this big project. Teksan is also included. The statement from the company on this matter was exactly as follows: “The world’s most powerful tidal turbine Orbital O2 project implemented by Orbital Marine Power Teksan, the generator solution partnercontributes to the renewable energy sector with the projects it has signed.

Developed by Orbital Marine Power and named Orbital O2, the 74-meter-long vehicle generates electricity from high-speed tidal currents reaching 4 meters per second in Orkney’s unique marine environment. O2 will provide renewable and clean energy for the next 15 years.


The green energy produced by the tidal turbine O2 is transferred to the local electricity grid via an underwater cable connection. The 2MW turbine has the capacity to meet the annual energy needs of an average of 2,000 homes in the UK.

Generating electricity from renewable tidal energy Teksan generator specially developed for the sea conditions of the project was used in Orbital O2.. Tidal turbines generate much more thrust than wind power because water is 835 times denser than air.

Various changes and improvements were made in order to increase the product durability of the generator in the project, where durability came to the fore due to the density of sea water. Teksan generator, located on Orbital O2, the world’s most powerful tidal turbine generating electricity with its giant propellers positioned under the sea, makes an important contribution to this project, which is one of the best examples of renewable energy production. “

Orbital full of O2 15 years He is expected to remain in active duty throughout. It is reported to be 74 meters long and almost never stops. tidal energy which has become a practically inexhaustible source of energy with Orbital O2, It takes the lead among the tools that we need more for a livable world.
