The Swedish Transport Agency raises several fees – so you will be affected

The Swedish Transport Agency raises several fees so you

The costs for the Transport Board have increased continuously in recent years, but despite this they have not adjusted their fees.

The reason is that during the pandemic they did not want to contribute to the strained situation that many were already in.

Now it is time to compensate for this, and the Swedish Transport Agency is therefore planning to raise several of its fees. This is how you are affected.

Want to raise by 14 percent

– We intend to increase the levy by approximately 14 percent on an overall level compared to today’s levels, says the Swedish Transport Agency’s finance director Rosie-Marie Fors in a press release.

According to Rosie-Marie Fors, however, the increases will hit rail traffic harder than for other types of traffic, to ensure that the revenues correspond to the costs.

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More expensive to get a driver’s license

The increased fees will mean, among other things, that it will be more expensive to obtain or renew a driver’s license or driver’s license, as the fee for this will be increased from SEK 320 to SEK 375.

The road traffic register fee, which pays for the operation of the register in which all registered vehicles are included, is increased according to the proposal by SEK 7 to a total of SEK 69 per vehicle.

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More expensive with a personal registration plate

The proposed fee increases hit relatively hard those who plan to obtain or renew a personal registration plate.

The Swedish Transport Agency’s part of the fee will be increased by SEK 700 to SEK 1,400.

Those who trade in vehicles also have increases to look forward to. The fee for a sales cart license is to be increased from SEK 3,600 to SEK 4,750.

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Then come the increased fees

However, they are not only planning increased fees, but they also want to lower the application fee for changing type approval from SEK 3,400 to SEK 1,000, for example.

The final decision on the new fees will be made in the autumn by the Director General of the Swedish Transport Agency.

The increase in fees will then take effect on January 1, 2025.

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