The Swedish super talent turns down the national skiing team – and changes sports instead

The multi-talented Elsa Tänglander turned down the cross-country national team.
As expected, it was for a clearer investment in biathlon.
The 16-year-old is in the national development team for next season.

When the cross-country skis on Thursday presented national team squads for the coming season, there were none Elsa Tänglander. The national team manager Anders Byström announced that the 16-year-old had been offered a place in the junior national team, but declined.

The next day it was clear why.

Elsa Tänglander is selected for the national biathlon team’s Team Autoexpert, the training group under the A national team, with skiers “with strong development potential and the possibility of joining the A national team in the future”.

The article continues below.

It says something about the national biathlon team’s faith in Tänglander’s potential, given that there is a lower training group more specifically focused on skiers of high school age.

“Team Autoexperten is now even more clearly a development team where a large part of the goal is precisely to prepare the active for bigger tasks,” says the Swedish Biathlon Federation’s sports director Anna-Maria Uusitalo in a press release.

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Last winter, Elsa Tänglander won both the Youth Olympic gold in cross-country skiing and the JVM gold in biathlon. During the past season, she said that cross-country skiing was her main focus.

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Team Autoexpert:

The training group starts from Östersund and consists of eleven biathletes with great development potential and with the possibility of eventually joining the A national team. Part of the training also takes place together with the skaters in the A national team.

Ladies: Astrid Karlstedt, Bente Skåle, Elsa Brandt, Elsa Tänglander, Greta Lindkvist, Johanna Nordkvist.

Gentlemen: Erik Larsson, Jakob Larsson, Martin Höiby, Melker Nordgren, Oscar Andersson.

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