The Swedish skiing team was hit by Corona – two stars for sure on the sidelines from the World Cup, maybe even Frida Karlsson | Sport

The Swedish skiing team was hit by Corona two

No less than four star athletes of the Swedish national skiing team have been diagnosed with corona infection. Next weekend, Sweden will compete in the World Cup in Jällivaara.

The Swedish national skiing team has experienced a lot. Swedish public broadcasting company SVT newsthat the team’s three star athletes Jonna Sundling, Linn Svahn and Frida Karlsson have contracted the corona virus.

It was already clear that the Swedish men William Poromaa potee corona. Due to the corona virus, Poromaa and Jonna Sundling are not in the Swedish team at the Jällivaara World Cup next weekend.

Frida Karlsson’s situation, on the other hand, is still open. He has been put in isolation, but Karlsson has no symptoms. Linn Svahn’s competition is also open. According to SVT, there has not been time to analyze Svahn’s test in more detail.

In the Jällivaara World Cup, the program includes 10 kilometers of free skiing and relays.

– The situation is of course unfortunate, but we are currently taking many measures to reduce the spread of the corona. For example, we regularly perform rapid tests, we continue to be precise in hand hygiene and with face masks. Meals are eaten in certain rooms, the Swedish team doctor Rickard Noberius said in the national team announcement.

Sundling was second on Friday in the Ruka World Cup in the first sprint race of the season. He also reached the top twenty in the traditional 10-kilometer and 20-kilometer freestyle skiing race.

Svahn was fifth in the sprint, ninth in the traditional ten and sixteenth in the combined start.

Frida Karlsson was third in the traditional ten, fourth in the sprint and sixth in the combined start.

According to SVT, the Swedish national team traveled directly from Ruka to Jällivaara. However, Karlsson went home when the infection became known. Although Karlsson has no symptoms, according to SVT he must get a negative corona test before competing.

– Frida is frustrated about getting the crown. because he feels healthy or asymptomatic. Rather, his feeling is, “why did I get this?” We hope that Korona will pass quickly and he could be competing again in Östersund at the latest, the leader of the Swedish team Anders Byström said to SVT and referred to the next World Cup competitions from Jällivaara in a week and a half.

Jällivaara’s World Cup competitions can be seen on channels.
