The Swedish pension system, a model to follow?

The Swedish pension system a model to follow

While France is on strike today against the pension reform project, should we take inspiration from the Swedish model?

Often cited as an example, the Swedish system is not only very different from what is envisaged by Emmanuel Macron, but it is also criticized in Swedenand in particular by one of those who contributed, in the 1990s, to reforming the system: Karl Gustaf Scherman, the former director of Social Security, with whom our correspondent in Stockholm, Carlotta Morteowas able to talk.

In Switzerland, divorce to have a better retirement

This is one of the arguments of the French government to pass the pill of this pension reform: the promise of an increase in pensions for the most modest, to 1,200 euros minimum. In Swiss, 1,200 euros are worth 1,200 Swiss francs – and that’s about what a retired couple can get, in addition to their pension, on one somewhat bizarre condition. They will have to divorce just before! The explanations of Jeremiah Lance.

Lack of nurses in Belgium

Another burning file in France: the reform of the Hospital. The shortage of health professionals affects all European countries. How to revalue the profession of nurse? In Belgium, the question arises more and more… About 5% of the beds in the country’s hospitals were closed in mid-January 2023, due to the lack of nurses. Report, in Brussels, signed Laure Broulard.

Warm Spaces, or heat banks

Against the background of the war in Ukraine, everywhere in Europe, energy prices have exploded. And at UK, especially… With inflation at 10% and a government that intervenes little to help the British face the cost of living crisis, several initiatives have therefore been put in place… In particular “heat banks”, we call it Warm Spaces, warm places where everyone can come and drink tea or eat a good meal. The report of our local correspondent, Marie Billon.

In the heart of Berlin, the reconstituted cell of Alexeï Navalny. A concrete block was installed last week in front of the Russian Embassy. This is one of the actions carried out as part of an international campaign to demand his release. Imprisoned for two years in trying conditions, the number one enemy of the Kremlin continues his fight, Anastasia Becchio.
