The Swedish electric car is illegally marketed in the Middle East

The Swedish electric car is illegally marketed in the Middle

It is mainly the car Emily GT that ended up in the spotlight last winter. The car is still on EV Electra’s website, even though the deal was canceled at the end of May.

Now Jihad Mohammad has changed the name of the car to GAZA GT.

It reports Today’s industry.

That’s how you know which country the car comes from – all abbreviations

The future of the NEVS Emily GT looks bleak. (Photo: Magnus Fröderberg) Used as marketing

The marketing material used by EV Electra is thus taken directly from NEVS, despite the fact that the Lebanese company no longer has the right to it.

According to Jihad, the car seen in the photos is not the Emily GT, but a completely new car: the GAZA GT.

The only similarities are said to be the looks, while the powertrain and batteries differ.

On Electra EV’s website, the message is that they are looking for investors.

EV Electra also states that production of the GAZA GT “will begin soon”.

On EV Electra’s website, the Emily GT is marketed as the “GAZA GT”. (Photo: Screenshot/EV Electra)

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Politically charged

NEVS CEO Nina Selander says it would be impossible for EV Electra to actually manufacture the GAZA GT.

Neither prototypes nor drawings have been handed over to EV Electra.

The choice of name comes from Mohammad Jihad’s clear stance towards Israel and he has spoken out anti-Semitic on social media.

However, Jihad insists that the GAZA GT should not be seen as a political position, writes Di.

Instead, it is said to stand for “green A to Z automotive”.

It is not the first time that Jihad Mohammad has found himself in trouble, and it certainly will not be the last.

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