This week, the Swedish Board of Agriculture has presented a proposal for new animal welfare rules, which are intended to improve the conditions for pets. According to the authority, the proposal is based on the new Animal Protection Act, which began to apply in 2019 and current scientific research on the needs of the animals.
– You have to remember that many of these animals live their entire lives in these spaces. So it is very important that the space meets all the needs of the animal, which we know more about today than before, says Helena Elofsson at the Swedish Board of Agriculture.
Rabbits at least two and two
According to the proposal, for example, mini pigs should have access to outdoor space and snakes should be able to extend to their full length. In addition, there is a requirement that animals that naturally live together with species cousins should be allowed to do so as well as pets, which means, among other things, that rabbits should be kept at least two and two. Education should also be required for people who mediate animals to a greater extent.
In addition, according to the Swedish Board of Agriculture, it should be prohibited to have crocodiles and airplane cores as pets, as the risk that they cannot be given good animal welfare is considered imminent.
“Will have to put down”
The new rules require also apply to domestic chickens, which should have larger areas to move. But not everyone is undivided positive to the publisher – the rule changes have also caused concern among pet owners. Linda Larsson, who has had chickens since 2017, thinks that the areas proposed are too large.
– I will have to close down and unfortunately the rest of the village residents who have chickens will also have to close down, she says.
– These rules are so oversized so that it becomes like a zookeeping instead.
Shall apply from 2026
The new rules are planned to enter into force on 1 January 2026, with certain provisions that have a two -year transition period.
The rules include animals held, sold or raised for companionship or hobby. Dogs and cats are exempt and covered by other rules.