The Sweden Democrats want more in Tidöavtalet 2.0

– The negotiations on Tidö 2.0 are now starting. We have ideas about recording completely new areas in the agreement, but we will have to come back to that. I don’t know if the time is right now or if it’s only in a year that it’s appropriate to do that kind of major review, says Jimmie Åkesson (SD).

Evaluation of the Tidö Agreement

According to the Sweden Democrats, government officials and SD officials have now compiled a report on the first year of cooperation, an evaluation of what in the Tidö agreement has been checked off and what is lagging behind. In addition, the report, which according to the party should be a “huge fuse”, should also form the basis of the negotiations which, according to Jimmie Åkesson, will start shortly. But he does not want to reveal any details today about what he wants to include in the Tidö agreement and, if so, when.

The Liberals: Not current with new areas

But bringing in new areas is not an issue for the Liberals, according to party leader Johan Pehrson. He would rather see the Tidöparties take the opportunity to update and create ways so that the proposals agreed upon in the agreement are also carried out.

– The important thing is that the reforms in the Tidö Agreement produce results when we meet the voters in the 2026 election. For the Liberals, I do not foresee any additional projects taking place, says Johan Pehrson (L).
