On an island in the Stockholm archipelago, one of the country’s richest and most secretive men has exploited the fragile nature on a large scale. In order to create his private hunting reserve, he violates both public rights and beach protection and is now being investigated for environmental crimes. Today’s ETC has reviewed H&M heir Jan Bengtsson. – He has thrown allemansrätten overboard, says Christoffer Röstlund Jonsson, reporter at Dagens ETC in Nyhetsmorgon. – When the municipality’s officials were out there late last fall to inspect and stepped ashore on the island, the officials told us that they had never seen anything like it in their 22 years of working with beach protection, says Röstlund Jonsson. Hear which questions the reporter would like answered in the player above
The suspicion: The H&M billionaire is creating a hunting park – in the middle of an archipelago idyll