the suspect wanted and known on Netflix, who is he?

the suspect wanted and known on Netflix who is he

DIG. In the Creuse a man wanted for attempted voluntary homicide on two gendarmes is actively wanted. The suspect is a British con man known to English police and at the heart of a Netflix documentary.

[Mis à jour le 26 août 2022 à 14h49] A health check that takes an unexpected turn. Several groups of gendarmes are mobilized on August 26 and are looking for the man who injured two soldiers during an intervention the day before. The suspect turned out to be a notorious crook well known to British police. The 51-year-old man simply had to be checked on the regulation of the dog breeding that he set up in his home, in Vidaillat, in the Creuse, but in the face of the gendarmes, the man of English nationality refused to comply. He restarted the car in which he was with a bang to flee, hitting and injuring the two soldiers in the process.

Since yesterday, the man and his Audi A3 have been actively sought and the suspect is the subject of an investigation for attempted intentional homicide on a person holding public authority. The fifty-year-old was only known to the prefecture because he was targeted by two formal notices for the regulation of his illegal dog breeding, but across the Channel the man has a much longer criminal record. He was even convicted of fraud and his scams were so important that they are the subject of a documentary broadcast on the Netflix platform.

Who is the wanted man in Creuse?

The suspect responsible for the injuries of the two gendarmes in Creuse is a 51-year-old Briton who has lived in the department for seven years, according to Mayor Martine Laporte contacted by France Blue Hollow. The man and his wife had been attracting the attention of neighbors for several years for their dog breeding. According to the city councilor, the couple had more than twenty dogs in cages in their home: “The inhabitants of the Forest very quickly understood that there was something wrong”. The prefecture had already intervened twice with the suspect and his wife to demand the regularization of the breeding establishment. The man of English nationality, however, had not been the subject of any other warning by the police.

According to the first elements, the identity of the suspect could be confirmed and the man would be a British swindler and a seasoned con artist who embezzled more than a million pounds sterling. the Times recalls that the suspect had already been convicted of fraud in 2005 and was released from prison four years later in 2009. The reputation of the fifty-year-old is well established in Great Britain and the man is at the heart of a mini -Netflix documentary series. If his identity was not given in the media, according to the elements of the investigation he would bear the same name as that used in the documentary. The name of the fugitive’s wife would also be the one mentioned in the documentary to refer to the scammer’s wife.

What Netflix documentary did the suspect inspire?

Across the Channel, the suspect actively sought in the Creuse for attempted voluntary homicide on the two gendarmes is well known to the police. Important scams would be of its fact according to the police information collected by France info. According to the facts, the fifty-year-old pretended to be a British spy to manipulate and rob entire families. This story is told in the Netflix documentary The Puppet Master airing since the beginning of 2022. The three-episode documentary traces the investigation into a British con man, Robert Hendy-Freegard, who robbed families for more than two decades. .

The documentary The Puppet Master, follows the route and the biggest blows of the scammer and involves victims of men including a young man and a young girl whose mother fell under the spell of the scammer has been missing since. several years. The name and description of this woman correspond to that of the suspect’s wife residing in Creuse.

Two gendarmes injured by the suspect

The two soldiers were injured for the suspect who was driving an Audi A3. The man restarted his vehicle and drove off at full speed, hitting the gendarmes who went over the bonnet of the car according to the Ministry of the Interior. One of them, an officer was seriously injured and suffers from several facial fractures, he is still hospitalized and “has a 21-day ITT”. While the second gendarme is slightly injured, “the non-commissioned officer has returned to his home and presents an ITT of 6 days”, specified the prefecture of Creuse. The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, reacted on Twitter by expressing his “full support” for the two gendarmes.
