It’s quiet about ARK 2. The survival game announced last year that it would be released at the end of 2024, but so far there is no information about the survival hit.
ARK 2 is the successor to one of the most popular survival games ever. In 2023, the developers of “Studio Wildcard” announced that they would postpone the release of ARK 2 to “the end of 2024”. In the same breath, the postponement was justified by the switch to Unreal Engine 5 and the associated better technology.
The year 2024 is gradually coming to an end and there have been no updates on the successor to the big survival hit for months.
You can see the latest trailer for ARK 2 from 2023 here:
ARK 2 Trailer Release 2023
More videos
Too quiet for a release in 2024
What about the release? The signs for a release this year are extremely bad. The last video with promotional material for ARK 2 on YouTube was the trailer from 2023, which you can also see here in the article. Since then there has been no further advertising for the game there.
There are also no signs on Steam that a release is imminent. The game’s release date is listed there as “Upcoming Announcement,” and according to SteamDB, there have been no updates on the game’s Steam page since early September.
A red message on the developer’s website urgently searches for employees (via survivetheark). However, the careers website reveals that the team currently only has two positions available. Apparently there are no major restructurings taking place.
The last major written update on ARK 2 was the blog post on the developers’ website (via in March 2023 that announced the postponement to the end of 2024. There the developers reported on their big vision for the game and that the design of the successor to ARK: Survival Evolved will be significantly different.
ARK 2 showed no new trailer or even any signs of life at gamescom 2024. The game briefly ended up on a list for the game fair, but was then removed again.
Is a release still possible this year? While it’s unlikely, there are still possibilities for ARK 2 to be released this year. The best opportunity for this could be a surprise release at the Game Awards on December 13th.
Games like the shooter “The Finals” use the stage for such a shadow release and thus gained a solid player base even without a major promotional phase. Such a “shadow drop” is always possible, although rather unlikely.
However, it is more likely that the survival title will be postponed again. If you no longer know some of the information about ARK 2 because you have been waiting so long for the title, then we have summarized everything important for you in the following article: ARK 2: Release, Trailer, Gameplay – What we have learned about it so far knowledge