The surprising trick to prevent flies from entering the house: it works and costs zero euros!

The surprising trick to prevent flies from entering the house

Are you tired of flies in your house? Their incessant buzzing can drive you crazy! While it may sound a bit strange, this little trick really works. Test, you will see the result quickly.

We all know these two methods reputed to be the most effective against flies: leaving the windows closed or rolls of sticky anti-fly paper. The first technique is not a lasting solution because it is necessary to ventilate its housing, especially in summer in the cool. The second, if effective, is outdated, really unsightly and not very clean. Out of the question to see this yellow ribbon hanging from the ceiling with lots of flies stuck on it. But then, what solution to scare flies away from home? The editorial staff has tested this little trick for you.

Do you know the water bag method? Not very widespread, this anti-fly technique is a real unsuspected trick. What does it consist of?

  1. Half fill a freezer bag with tap water.
  2. Slip in two or three coins.
  3. Remove the air from the bag and seal it.
  4. Place it on your windowsill so that the sun can shine through it.
  5. Do this for each of your windows.
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The watery reflection produced with the sun on the parts is a real visual repellent for flies whose eyes are not adapted. On the other hand, they will confuse this reflection with a spider’s web that they will especially not want to approach!
