The Supreme Court puts a stop to Biden’s case – “Gets lousy belsut”

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

A power struggle has flared up as the US president appears to be increasingly weak after the Supreme Court’s latest actions. Just over a week ago, the historic abortion law Roe against Wade was overthrown. The change enables states to impose sharp restrictions on abortion rights, which many were not late in doing. Abortion bans occurred directly in Louisiana and Kentucky, among others, where women who perform an abortion now risk up to five years in prison.

In the same vein, HD stated that the environmental protection authority in the country does not have the right to limit the power plants’ emissions of greenhouse gases. This puts a stop to Biden’s climate goals, something he reacts strongly to.

– The Supreme Court makes lousy decisions, the president said during a press conference this week.

Last but not least, HD voted down a restrictive gun law in New York last week. Americans in the region now have the right to bear arms, even in public. Several states are expected to appeal their restrictions in a similar way. About a quarter of the U.S. population lives in states that may be affected by the HD ruling.

Trump’s influence

That the court’s decision is not in line with Biden’s policy can be explained by the fact that Donald Trump appointed three Republican judges during his time as President of the United States. Ruth Bader Ginsburg – a judge who was instrumental in Roe v. Wade’s decision in 1973 – also died during his presidency.

According to an opinion poll, only 25 percent of Americans have confidence in the Supreme Court today.

“The court has burned the little legitimacy it still had,” said Elisabeth Warren, a Massachusetts senator, in a television broadcast by ABC News.

SVT’s foreign reporter Carl Fridh Kleberg tells more about the debate about HD’s power in the clip below.
