the Supreme Court confirms the election of William Ruto as president

the Supreme Court confirms the election of William Ruto as

Kenya’s Supreme Court on Monday upheld the election of former Vice President William Ruto as the country’s leader. He was facing Raila Odinga, a historic figure in Kenyan politics.

After several days of hearing, the judges of the Supreme Court of Kenya decided on Monday, September 5 to confirm the victory of William Ruto in the presidential election. ” It’s a unanimous decision. The appeals are hereby dismissed. Accordingly, we declare the first respondent (William Ruto) president-elect said Supreme Court President Martha Koome.

Several appeals had been filed by the clan of Raila Odinga after the Electoral Commission announced the narrow victory of William Ruto, outgoing vice-president.

The vote took place peacefully on August 9, but the proclamation of the results the following week was disrupted. Shortly before the confirmation of the results, four of the seven members of the electoral commission (IEBC) had disassociated themselves from the body, accusing their leader Wafula Chebukati of having engaged in a process ” opaque “.

More information to come…
