The super heat lasts through the week, but then it gets colder

The super heat looks set to last throughout the week throughout the country.
But by the weekend, rain and cloudiness may creep in.
– On Sunday, low pressure may come in, says TV4’s meteorologist Lovisa Svanberg.

Temperatures up to 20 degrees for the rest of the week, that’s what the forecast looks like for the whole country.

– It looks like the nice weather will last at least until Thursday-Friday. Where we have temperatures around 20 degrees, says TV4’s meteorologist Lovisa Svanberg.

If you are in Norra Svealand or northeastern Svealand, you can also enjoy the high summer heat.

– From what I see right now, it could be up to 26 degrees.

Then the temperatures will be lower

On Wednesday, a low pressure moves in over northern Norrland, but it passes quickly and on Friday the heat is back again.

On Sunday, Götaland may get colder temperatures with cloudiness and rain.

– On Saturday it still looks nice with temperatures up to 20 to 23 degrees, even far north. But on Sunday, low pressure may come in, says Svanberg and continues:

– This low pressure can have a more southerly trajectory and then we won’t be affected at all.
