The sun and the heat finally return to France on this date!

The sun and the heat finally return to France on

The sun and the heat are struggling to settle in. The next few days will bring hope but for how long?

Spring is particularly rainy and with temperatures below seasonal norms. These last few days have even been marked by the “omega blockage”. A clever new name to explain to us that it’s ugly and cold. With this phenomenon, “the cold air at altitude remains blocked over the near Atlantic and France, stuck between two very stable anticyclonic air masses in a so-called omega blocking situation”, explains Meteo France.

In any case, the return of the sun is long overdue, as the month of June begins. But good news: an anticyclone above the Atlantic is approaching France and should change the situation in the coming days. Arriving from the west, it will bring dry weather to most regions, despite a few showers still in the northern part. From Monday June 3, some clearing will appear in 2/3 of the country, dissipating the few morning grays. Temperatures will rise towards the 20 degree mark and thus reach seasonal norms.

1717320494 997 The sun and the heat finally return to France on
© The Weather Channel

But the date for the return of the sun and spring is a little further away: it is from Wednesday that the summer feeling will really assert itself. The sun and the heat will prevail. In the middle of the week, it will, in fact, be between 19 and 21° on the Channel side, from 23 to 27° in the northern half and from 23 to 30° in the south depending on The Weather Channel. 30 degrees could even be exceeded in some southern locations, values ​​estimated to be worthy of the month of July. Comparing over a week, certain corners of France could gain around ten degrees.

Unfortunately, this time is not expected to last. The weather could deteriorate the following weekend with unstable and stormy conditions, arriving from the southwest. A trend which could be confirmed during the month of June. The Weather Channel announces, in fact, humid heat for the rest of the month, a little above seasonal norms, but also possible stormy weather. These forecasts will need to be confirmed as the deadlines approach. It therefore seems that we will have to take advantage of these few sunny days.

Meteo France also shared its predictions for the summer. For the June, July and August quarter, the specialized site announces “warmer than normal conditions”, as being the most likely scenario at 50% or even 70% for Mediterranean cities. For the moment, there is no certainty regarding potential periods of heatwave. For precipitation, the forecasts remain more uncertain, despite possibly drier weather than normal in the southwest and the Mediterranean rim.
