the Summer Pack and its exotic circuits are available

bad news a few days before the release of the

The content of Redout 2 is expanding with the arrival of the Summer Pack, as announced by Saber Interactive through an official press release. More concretely, the races of this extension take place within the dam in the Caribbean, one of the greatest drinking water reserves of the 24th century, when water scarcity forced humanity to dig under the oceans in an attempt to survive. The Summer Pack includes four new reversible tracks (including one boss), 29 new events for Career Mode, plus 30 additional customization elements.

The add-on is included in the Season Pass (€17.99) and can also be purchased separately (€9.99). In addition, the developers of 34BigThings took the opportunity to accompany the DLC with an update 1.2.0 whose list of alterations is available at this address. Note that unlike other consoles, the Nintendo Switch will have to wait a little longer before welcoming the Summer Pack. In the meantime, we remind you that Redout 2 was released on June 16 on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4, PC and Nintendo Switch.
