the subjects of the bac revealed this Wednesday!

the subjects of the bac revealed this Wednesday

MATHEMATICS TEST. The baccalaureate candidates are preparing to take the mathematics specialty test this Wednesday and Thursday. The long-awaited subjects of the event will finally be revealed, for the time being only those from French Polynesia are available.

Functions, sequences, probability, geometry… So many themes that could be at the heart of the 2022 baccalaureate mathematics specialty test. Candidates must still wait before knowing the content of the exam scheduled between Wednesday 11 and Thursday May 12. Until then, it’s still time for reviews and predictions, but it’s not easy to prioritize certain themes when you know that the four exercises that make up the subject of the test are all different. Candidates can still take a look at the fallen subjects dropped a week ago in French Polynesia. The Ministry of National Education has nevertheless given some indications to allow candidates to guide the revisions or even limit them considerably on certain topics.

What topics for the math test?

The question is the same before each bac test: what will be the subject of the test? Impossible to know before the candidates find themselves in front of their copy on D-Day. The 2022 baccalaureate mathematics specialty test will be no exception to the rule. The candidates must therefore, to put all the chances of passing the exam on their side, revise the entire program, a considerable workload! The Ministry of National Education has decided to reduce the field of potential subjects for the test allowing senior high school students to exclude certain themes from their revisions. According to the new classification of the ministry, some chapters of the mathematics program will only be assessed in even years, others in odd years and the last ones may fall every year during the baccalaureate exams. Here is the list of themes not to be discarded during revisions:

  • Manipulation of vectors, lines and planes of space
  • Orthogonality and distances in space
  • Parametric representations and Cartesian equations
  • Sequels
  • Function limits
  • Complements on the derivation
  • Continuity of functions of a real variable
  • Logarithm function
  • Primitives, differential equations
  • Succession of independent proofs, Bernoulli diagram

What is the subject of mathematics fell in French Polynesia for the baccalaureate 2022?

If the mathematics specialty test is organized in advance in French Polynesia, it respects the same form as the metropolitan exams. To know the subject who fell in the archipelago is therefore to become familiar with the test which awaits the candidates from mainland France in a few days. On the program of the examination three exercises to be carried out among four proposed, each one on one or more specific themes of the program. Here is what candidates from French Polynesia were assessed on:

Subject 1:

  • Exercise 1 on functions, primitives and probabilities: this is a multiple choice questionnaire (MCQ) of six numerical analysis questions. Candidates must define and answer questions about a derivative function, a limit, a primitive and a tangent equation. Correct answers earn points, but errors do not.
  • Exercise 2 on the probabilities: the exercise concerns the conditional probabilities and requires the realization of a weighted tree and the use of the binomial law.
  • Exercise 3 on sequences and functions: the candidate must model the evolution of a population of a colony of birds with a recurring sequence which he must then analyze. He is also asked about functions, the convergence of a sequence and the use of an algorithm.
  • Exercise 4 on geometry: the exercise relates to a cube in which it is necessary to calculate the coordinates of the points, the parametric representation of a straight line, the distance between two points and the volume of a tetrahedron.

Subject 2:

  • Exercise 1 on functions and sequences: this is a multiple-choice questionnaire (MCQ) of six numerical analysis questions. The candidate must determine a derivative, find a primitive, calculate the limit of a sequence, graphically read a curve and use a Python function.
  • Exercise 2 on probabilities: the candidate is asked to use a weighted tree, conditional probabilities and a probability law.
  • Exercise 3 on sequences: the candidate must study and answer questions about a recursive sequence. He must also complete a Python script in addition to determining the direction of variation and the limit of the sequence.
  • Exercise 4 on geometry: the exercise concerns the calculation of a scalar product, the demonstration that a plane is parallel to another plane, the deduction of a Cartesian equation from the plane and the calculation of the volume of a pyramid .

During the mathematics specialty test, candidates have four hours to blacken their copy. The test is divided into four exercises on different themes of the program and the high school student must choose to carry out three of their choice. This modality is permitted by the arrangements planned and announced by the Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, on January 28 and which “[garantissent] The candidate always has a choice, whether between questions or between exercises”. To help the student in his choice, all the subjects must specify the different themes addressed.

When does the mathematics specialty test take place?

According to the calendar of baccalaureate exams, the specialty tests were to be held between the 14th and the 16th, but that was without counting on theannouncement by the Ministry of Education at the beginning of the year of the postponement of the tests to the month of May. All the written tests for specialty lessons are organized between May 11 and 13, 2022. Initial details indicate that the mathematics test will take place in the afternoon of May 11 or 12 between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m., depending on theStudent. High school students therefore still have ten days to refine their revisions.

When will the math test results be released?

Although the mathematics test is organized one month before the written and oral French, philosophy and oral exams, the results could not be known until the publication of all the results, namely July 5. 2022. Initially, the mark obtained in this test should have appeared in the Parcoursup file but with the postponement of the dates, it is possible that the announcement of the results of the candidates will be postponed until the end of the baccalaureate.
