the subjects and the corrected in full

the subjects and the corrected in full

PATENT SUBJECT HISTORY-GEO EMC. The history-geography, moral and civic education (EMC) subjects were unveiled this Friday, July 1, 2022, as the students took the test in the morning. Corrections are also posted…

[Mis à jour le 1er juillet 2022 à 13h22] This Friday, July 1, 2022, some 850,000 college patent candidates continued the tests, which began the day before with history-geography and moral and civic education (EMC). The EMC history-geo subjects were revealed at the very end of the morning, a few minutes before the end of the test, the corrected followed in stride.

This 2022 history-geo patent was upset by the leak of subjects announced Thursday evening by the Ministry of National Education. These are therefore relief subjects that were presented to the candidates. The ministry announced that it was going to file a complaint and at the same time launch an internal administrative investigation to try to determine their origin.

On the menu of these “bis” subjects of history, geography and civic education 2022, we thus found European cooperation, the euro, the world wars, regional planning, but also media education and external operations and the duty of defense of the country.

For the general certificate, the first part of the subject concerned geography and in particular “France and the European Union”, before a second part relating to history this time, and in particular to Europe as a “theatre Major Total Wars (1914-1945)”. The third part relating to moral and civic education finally focused on media education with, in particular, as an appendix Article 11 of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789 on “The free communication of thoughts and opinion”. Here are the answers and the complete copies submitted to the students.

For the professional patent, the subject of history related to “The world since 1945” with two supporting documents: the front page of the newspaper Liberation of January 1, 1999 which announced the official creation of the euro and the speech Jacques Chirac, President of the Republic, on December 31, 2001, on the eve of its entry into circulation. For the geography part, the theme was entitled “Why and how to develop the territory?” A development constructed of around fifteen lines called for a description of the objectives of land use planning in France today. Regarding moral and civic education, two documents were once again proposed: a first illustrating the inauguration of the monument to the dead for France in external operations in a public garden in Paris on November 11, 2019 by the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron and a second presenting an excerpt from the Head of State’s speech during the ceremony.

The corrections to the EMC history-geo patent were published as every year, just over an hour after the end of the tests. These answers are provided by our partner Studyrama, and have been produced by specialized teachers. Attention: it is a question of getting an idea of ​​the form that a successful copy can take in the test, while knowing that there are of course for certain questions or parts of the tests several possible ways of doing it:

Corrected from General Geo EMC History Patent

Corrected from geo EMC pro history patent

With our partner Studyrama, find below the EMC history-geo subjects with full copies provided by the Ministry of Education. Two quite different copies were offered this year to candidates for the general certificate and the professional patent, with some common themes, particularly around European construction.

The history, geography and moral and civic education test can bring in up to 50 dots during the college patent, it is therefore important. At the patent, the value of each test is not calculated on the basis of a coefficient, but with a counting of points. As a reminder, you can obtain a maximum of 800 points during the patent. You need a minimum of 400 points out of 800 to pass. Then, when you collect more points, you can get mentions: you need at least 480 for the mention fairly well, at least 560 for the mention well, and 640 for the mention very well.

The DNB history-geography and moral and civic education test lasts 2 hours and is divided into 3 different exercises. It is scored out of 50 points (against 100 points for mathematics, and 100 points for French): 20 points for history, 20 points for geography, 10 points for EMC.

  • The first exercise is a document study which may relate to history or geography. Candidates must answer 5 questions, including identifying the subject of the document, its context, its date and its author. There are also three questions for which you must seek the answers in the document distributed, supplementing with your knowledge.
  • The second exercise is a reasoned paragraph relating to the other subject. It must be about twenty lines with an introduction, a development, and a conclusion. Subsequently, depending on the discipline, the candidates have a geographical map or a chronological timeline to complete.
  • For’moral and civic education test (EMC)you have to read and study two or three documents and answer a few questions.

The 2022 patent results fall the first week of July. If the dates of publication of the results vary according to the academies, one thing is certain: you will know your results for the history, geography and moral and civic education test as well as all the other tests for the 2022 patent no later than July 8, 2022. And after the results, it’s time to celebrate the students who obtained the best marks! A republican patent graduation ceremony is organized at each start of the school year for the winners in their college. The academies, in connection with the schools and the elected officials of the territory – mayors, departmental councillors, etc. – organize each year, an official presentation of the diplomas obtained the previous year.
