The streaming service’s show will be broadcast live

The streaming services show will be broadcast live

At the latest by the Oscar debacle with Will Smith, Chris Rock was in all the headlines again this year. After the acting star’s bell, the comedian continued to tour, performing a few shows alongside Dave Chappelle.

As has now been announced, Netflix is ​​planning a major innovation with Rock. Next year he should a live show on the streaming service perform.

Check out the Saw: Spiral trailer with Chris Rock here:

Saw: Spiral – Trailer 2 (German) HD

Chris Rock is set to perform Netflix’s first-ever live show

As Deadline reports, the streaming service wants 2023 testing a new live technology for the first time. Netflix chose Chris Rock to have the comedian perform a live broadcast stand-up show.

There are no more details about the live event with the comedian. All that is known is that rock probably recorded a new stand-up program for Netflix beforehand or has already recorded. Here he is also supposed to talk about the Oscar incident with Will Smith again.

The show may then be released as a fuel for the global live event that the streaming service is planning for 2023. It is not yet known exactly when both shows will appear on Netflix. Who wants to see Chris Rock in the cinema at the moment, can watch Amsterdam by David O. Russell. Here the comedian has a small supporting role.

The 20 best series starts in November: 1899, Wednesday and Teletubby horror

Need more fresh streaming tips? The most exciting series that you can stream in November on Netflix, Amazon, Disney+ and more can be found here in the monthly preview:

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We have checked the long starting lists of the streaming services and present you the 20 big highlights of the month in the Moviepilot podcast stream trawl. Featuring fantasy highlights like Wednesday and Willow, as well as 1899, the highly anticipated new puzzle series from the Dark team.

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