The Stöten ski facility offers cheaper lift tickets for everyone in Malung-Sälen

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The regular price for a day in Stöten is over SEK 500, but now those who are registered in the municipality are offered a cheaper day pass if they can show a valid identity card from the Tax Agency.

“Important that people move here”

According to the CEO of Stöten, the decision is a collaboration with the municipality to make it more attractive for the residents.

– We think it is important that people move here and sign up here, and then they will of course get cheaper lift tickets. We want to show that we are a good cooperation partner for the region and contribute to making it attractive to live and be registered in the municipality, says Johan Thorn, CEO of Stöten’s ski facility.

Paying tax

He believes that it is important for the ski resort to have a reasonable offer for the residents, as they pay taxes.

– They are not our primary target group. It is mainly people from Stockholm, Mälardalen and Denmark. It is better that the people here get a reasonable deal, because they pay taxes to the municipality, says Johan Thorn.

Discount around the county

Other ski facilities in Dalarna also have similar discounts. Skistar in Sälenfjällen, for example, offers a 25 percent discount on the season ticket and everyone under 16 rides for free. This applies to those who are registered in the national register.

The municipal card is called the season card in Bjursås ski center outside Falun. Those who are registered in Falun, Rättvik, Leksand, Gagnef, Borlänge or Säter receive half the price of their season ticket.
