The statement about Turkey’s possible Syria operation caused controversy! Price could not answer questions

The statement about Turkeys possible Syria operation caused controversy Price

Turkey had signaled an operation against PKK/YPG targets in northern Syria. At the daily press conference, US State Department Spokesperson Ned Price used his statements regarding the operation. ‘protecting existing ceasefire lines’ He couldn’t answer the questions of what he meant with his expression.


Making a statement at the daily press conference regarding the possible operation that Turkey will organize to complete the remaining parts of the safe zones in northern Syria, Price said that they conveyed their concerns to both the public and the Turkish authorities.


An AA correspondent objected to Price’s use of the phrase “preserving the existing ceasefire lines is important” in his statement.

The reporter said, “You use the phrase the current ceasefire line a lot. Can you remind us exactly where this line falls? I am following this issue and I do not remember any ceasefire between Turkey and YPG. Between whom was this truce? Price gave the following answer to the question:

“Our position has been the same for a long time. We support the preservation of the ceasefire lines and condemn any possible interference. I don’t have a map in front of me, but we expect Turkey to also comply with the US-Turkey Joint Statement of 17 October 2019 and its commitment to cease operations in northeast Syria within the framework of this statement.”

On the other hand, the spokesperson stated that they understand Turkey’s legitimate security concerns.

“Is there a ceasefire line?”

The reporter said, “Then, you don’t have a map in front of you, but there is a ceasefire line, and are you saying that there is a commitment between Turkey and the USA that that line will not be crossed? A second thing is that the statement in 2019 was about stopping the Operation Peace Spring. It does not promise that there will be no operation in any other part of Syria. Can you explain that?” posed the question.

Asked Price, “As part of the joint statement dated October 2019, we believe that Turkey should cease offensive operations in northeastern Syria. This is a point that both previous administrations and this administration have put forward.” gave the answer.

However, the Sözcü was asked for the third time, “Is there a ceasefire line?” could not answer the question.

Turkey and the United States made a joint statement on October 17, 2019, drawing attention to the mutual commitments of the two countries.

In a joint statement, Turkey has committed to ensure the safety of all communities in safe zones, while the United States has committed to collecting heavy weapons from the YPG/PKK terrorist organization and withdrawing the organization from the Operation Peace Spring region.

Turkey, on the other hand, made a commitment to stop the operation.

However, it was revealed that the USA did not collect the weapons from the organization and the organization did not withdraw from the safe zone as promised.

On the other hand, the organization still makes frequent attempts to attack the safe areas that Turkey provides security for.

Source: AA
