The state will save you money if you extend the life of your clothes

The state will save you money if you extend the

From October 2023, repairing a hole in clothing or resoling your shoes will cost you less than usual. Good news announced by Bérangère Couillard, the Secretary of State for Ecology.

Have you heard of the textile repair bonus ? This is the government’s new initiative to encourage consumers to extend the life of their clothes and shoes. From’October 2023your visits to the retoucher or the cobbler should cost you a lot cheaper. This aid, financed by a repair background of 150 million euros, is the extension of an initial bonus set up by the State at the end of 2022 for electronic devices. Two measures included in the anti-waste law for a circular economy (AGEC law). This time, this help will concern:

  • sewing repair (between 6 and 25 euros)
  • the repair of a hole, a hitch or a tear on a garment (7 euros)
  • repairing a zip (between 8 and 15 euros)
  • the resoling of a pair of leather shoes (25 euros)

Objective: to consume better and consume less

Thanks to this mechanism, the government hopes encourage consumers to give a second wind to their wardrobe. Rather than throw their damaged parts to buy new clothes at low prices on shopping sites fast fashionn who produce poor quality parts on an assembly line, they could become regulars in companies with the “repair bonus” label. Customers will see their discount directly applied when paying for services in stores approved by the eco-organization Refashion. For the moment, lingerie and household linen are not concerned by this initiative, but could be in the months to come. Still a little patience… And for the followers of the do it yourself, many structures allow tolearn to mend clothes at home, without the help of professionals. Just get started!
