The state of Utah in the United States prohibits the use of social media at night by people under the age of 18

The state of Utah in the United States prohibits the

By law, social networking services must also give parents access to their children’s social media messages.

The US state of Utah has become the first state to pass laws that significantly restrict the use of social media by minors.

Republican governor by Spencer Cox the laws signed yesterday prohibit people under the age of 18 from using social media between 10:30 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. The use of Some, such as Tiktok, always requires permission from the minor’s parents. By law, services must give parents access to children’s social media messages.

The laws, which will come into effect in a year, also give minors the opportunity to sue social media companies if their use of social media has caused them harm.

The social giants are expected to take legal action to prevent the changes to the law.

According to the news agency AP, at least Arkansas, Texas, Ohio, Louisiana and New Jersey are also preparing similar legal projects.

Utah’s law change has been covered in the news, among other things The New York Times (you are moving to another service).

What do you think about the law change? You can discuss the topic on 25.3. until 11 p.m.

Also listen to the Uutispodcast episode about Tiktok’s ambiguities (29 August 2022):
