the State files a complaint against the group of retirement homes Orpea

the State files a complaint against the group of retirement

The French government announced on Saturday March 26 that it was filing a complaint against the manager of private retirement homes Orpea, accused of serious malfunctions to the detriment of its residents, and would claim the reimbursement of public grants.

In view of serious malfunctions, we are able to tell you that the State is filing a complaint and seizing the public prosecutor ” and ” we demand restitution of public grants presumed to have been diverted from their purposes, said the Minister Delegate for the Autonomy of the Elderly, Brigitte Bourguignon, on France Inter radio.

►Also read: Abuse in Ehpad: Orpea in the crosshairs of the French State

The investigation report of the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) and the Inspectorate of Social Affairs (IGAS), seized by the government on February 1, mentions ” significant dysfunctions in the organization of the group, to the detriment of the care of residents “, said the ministry in a press release. Expected for weeks, this report will however not be made public, because it is covered by the “ business secrets “, Mrs. Bourguignon’s cabinet told AFP.

Book-investigation “The gravediggers”

On March 11, the Minister of Health Olivier Véran had however affirmed that he intended to publish part of this document, more precisely “ all, except for what is covered by business secrecy “. The government relies on article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which obliges any authority to report to the courts any offense brought to its attention. The idea is to ” report “to justice the” financial practices » from Orpea, so that legal proceedings can, if necessary, be instituted against the group “, further specified the services of Ms. Bourguignon.

The publication in February of the investigative book “Les fossoyeurs”, in which the journalist Victor Castanet accuses Orpea of ​​having set up a ” system to maximize its profits to the detriment of the well-being of residents and employees, had created a veritable earthquake within the sector. He describes a system where hygiene care, medical care, and even residents’ meals are “rationed” to improve Orpea’s profitability. And this while stays are charged at full price.

The Orpea group manages retirement homes in 23 countries, mainly in Europe. In France, it manages a network of 354 establishments.

(With AFP)
