The star of one of the best sci-fi horror movies of all time was fired while filming – and he’s still glad about it to this day

The star of one of the best sci fi horror movies

If you love sci-fi horror, you can’t ignore the Alien series. In addition to the acclaimed debut, many fans also love the more action-packed second part Aliens – The Return of Avatar director James Cameron. But few will know that one of the central roles had to be filled. Because of hashish and heroin.

Terminator star took on sci-fi horror role because of his predecessor’s drug problems

In the second Alien part, Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) once again goes into battle against the fearsome aliens, this time with a force of powerful marines. As revealed by the third season of the Netflix series Movies, Marines leader Hicks originally played by James Remar (Django Unchained). But after a few weeks on the set, he had to leave.

Show time

James Remar in Dexter

The reason was his serious drug problems. After the police had found hashish and heroin in his apartment, he was fired.

An incident involving a sharp prop weapon had previously caused an uproar, as Screen Rant quoted from an interview with Al Matthews.

20th Century Pictures

Michael Biehn

Director Cameron cast Terminator star Michael Biehn as a replacement made a good decision in the eyes of many fans. Again Reminiscent of Screen Rant articles, Biehn made Hicks a friendlier, more laid-back character who has been well-loved in the community since the film’s theatrical release. Remar himself mourned the loss of the role, but in his own words was happy about the opportunity to bring his addiction under control.

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