The spy tip: this simple setting allows you to listen to a conversation without being in the same room

The spy tip this simple setting allows you to listen

Your loved ones will no longer have any secrets from you! With a simple setting to activate on your mobile phone, you will be able to listen to any discussion very discreetly.

We’ve always wanted to slip into a room, like a little mouse, to hear everything that’s going on. And it’s even more tempting when we know that people are likely to talk about us. Generally, to listen to a conversation, we tend to hide and put our ear to the door or the wall. But depending on where we are in relation to the people speaking, or depending on the isolation, it is difficult to precisely distinguish the discussion. Except that today, with the advent of new technologies and social networks, people can more easily spy on their loved ones via their smartphone or applications. Moreover, in France, digital espionage is a fairly widespread practice, which is called “snooping” (from the English snoop which means to spy). According to an Ipsos study for the Journal du Geek, published on May 11, 2023, 40% of French people have already delved into the digital privacy of their loved ones, particularly their partner. Some even repeat the experience “from time to time” Or “regularly”. Situations which can sometimes lead to misunderstandings.

To avoid being surprised, there is a spy technique to know and which is, to say the least, effective. It allows you to listen to an entire conversation without being in the same room as the interlocutors. Discretion required! This spying method relies on a simple setting to be made in your smartphone (iPhone or Samsung). In a short video shared by @manu_communitymanager on Tiktok and which you can watch at the top of this article, the content creator details the method to implement. In the iPhone, all you have to do is go to the “Settings” section then in “Control Center”, click on the “+” in “Hearing” (which stands out with the ear emoji). Once this step has been completed, you return to your home screen, you pull down your menu which brings together airplane mode, wifi, bluetooth, etc., and you see the ear symbol which was not there before.

The ear symbol must be activated for the technique to work © DR Journal des Femmes

Next, you need to click on the ear, then connect your pair of AirPods Pro or your iPad and click on “Live Listening” to activate it. From this setting, all you have to do is place your iPhone in the room where the people you want to spy are and listen to their conversation by putting on your headphones. And you don’t have to be close to them, you can be in a room at the far end of theirs.

If you are not an Apple customer, rest assured, in comments to the video, some Internet users have declared that this technique also works on Samsung Android phones: go to “Settings” > “Accessibility” > “Hearing improvement ” > “Environmental sound amplification” > Activate the shortcut by adding it to the home screen, then use your headphones. Please remember, however, that it is prohibited to record a professional work conversation without the consent of the participants. This may be subject to disciplinary proceedings. You have been warned!
