The spread of infection is increasing – peak in September

The spread of infection is increasing peak in September

Published: Just now

full screen The spread of covid-19 is expected to increase further during the early autumn. Archive image. Photo: Amir Nabizadeh/TT

The spread of covid-19 in Sweden is expected to increase from the end of August and reach its peak at the end of September, two recent scenarios from the Public Health Agency show.

Employers should prepare themselves for the fact that many employees may fall ill at the same time, urges the authority.

The spread of covid-19 has been high during the summer, and is expected to increase significantly in the near future. It shows two scenarios that the Public Health Authority has developed for the period 20 August to 20 November. Both show that the spread of infection increases until the end of September when it peaks.

The expected increase is due to the waning of immunity in the population, while people meet more as school and work start after the summer.

In one of the two scenarios, scenario 0, the authority expects the contacts in the population to be unchanged. Then the reported covid cases are estimated to be approximately 5,000 per day during the peak.

In the second scenario, which the authority calls scenario 1, contacts in the population are expected to increase from mid-August by around ten percent. Then the reported covid cases are estimated to be approximately 7,000 per day.

In comparison, there were 6,637 confirmed cases reported throughout week 32, which is the most recent weekly statistic available.

At the same time, the uncertainty is greater than before and it is difficult to say exactly how big the peak might be, according to the authority.

It is important that employers prepare themselves for the fact that many people may fall ill at the same time and review their planning for staff and materials, the Public Health Agency writes in a press release. The authority does not expect any additional infection control measures to be needed based on the scenarios.
