The spirit of Molière, a breath of freedom at the Comédie Française

The spirit of Moliere a breath of freedom at the

In her new play “Le Crépuscule des Singes” played until July 10 at the Vieux-Colombier theater, Louise Vignaud imagines the meeting between Molière and Mikhaïl Bulgakov. A dialogue beyond the ages between two great European playwrights.

What’s great about theater is that anything is possible. Even playing with eras, and bringing together two of the greatest European playwrights: the Soviet Mikhail Bulgakov, and the Frenchman Molière, just arrived from the 17th century.

Louis XIV is there, La Fontaine and Boileau too, the censorship too with his face which changes all the time, but which remains the same. The time of a baroque and abundant spectacle, this improbable but oh so significant encounter tells us about creation and artistic freedom in the face of power.

It also shows – if it were needed – to what extent beyond the centuries, the spirit of Molière continues to breathe, for laughter and for the best on the troupe of his house: the Comédie Française.

“The Twilight of the Monkeys” is to be discovered at the Théâtre du Vieux Colombier until July 10th.

Our guests : Louise Vignaud (Director), Pierre Louis Calixte and Nicholas Chupin (actors of the Comédie Française)

Reportage : Taras Chevchenko is to Ukraine what Victor Hugo is to France. A figure of literature and political opposition in the 19th century. The poet, painter and linguist is also an incredible model of resistance for all Ukrainians. Born a slave, his work resonates more than ever in the current conflict. “Our soul cannot die”, one of his most beautiful texts is reissued by Seghers editions. An anthology to discover the journey and the fight of this gifted man. Amelie Beaucour read it for VMDN.
