The spiral of violence continues – explosions are heard in Gaza

According to the Israeli military, a total of 34 rockets were fired on Thursday, of which 25 were shot down by the “Iron Dome” – Israel’s famous air defense system. The attack is described as the largest from the Lebanese side since 2006, but despite the scale, the damage is described as limited. Only one person is said to have suffered minor shrapnel injuries, writes Reuters.

So far, no one has claimed responsibility for the attack. However, a spokesperson for the Israeli defense places the blame on the terror-labeled Islamist organization Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip. However, Hamas believes that it does not know who was behind it, writes the BBC.

Responds with air raids

In a televised speech on Thursday night, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hinted that Israel would crack down after the attack.

– We will strike at our enemies and they will have to pay a price for their aggressive actions, he said.

Shortly after the statement, explosions were heard in Gaza while Israeli planes flew over the area, several news agencies report.

Behind the attacks is a time of increased tensions between Israel and Gaza, something that is not entirely unusual in connection with religious holidays.

On Wednesday morning, Israeli police stormed the famous al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, sparking Palestinian protests and retaliation in the form of rocket attacks from Gaza. Israel also responded then with airstrikes against Hamas strongholds in the region.

The United Nations in session

The escalation of the conflict has raised concerns in the outside world, which fears that the situation will degenerate in the same way it did two years ago. Then a similar spiral of violence led to an eleven-day war with hundreds of casualties.

On Thursday, the UN Security Council met behind closed doors to discuss the escalation.

– It is important that everyone does what they can to calm the situation, said US Deputy UN Ambassador Robert Wood on his way into the meeting, reports Reuters.
