The spin-off is now officially in progress and lets a series figure move

The spin off is now officially in progress and lets a

Fans of Blue Bloods – Crime Scene New York can breathe a sigh of relief: just two months after the series finals of the Copserie, the US broadcaster CBS officially has commissioned a spin-off. The preliminary working title is Boston Bluebecause for Donnie Wahlberg’s serial figure Danny Reagan there is a move to the so -called city from New York.

Blue Bloods spin-off: What we know about the new series

NYPD Detective Danny Reagan will take on a position in the Boston PD in the new Blue Bloods series, where he is teamed up with Detective Lena Peters-also a member of a prominent law enforcement officer: Interior clan. According to classic network procedural rules, there would have to be a long-time Will between the two, what is what.

Two things are particularly interesting to Boston Blue: On the one hand, CBS ordered the series out of the stand, i.e. without having a serial pilot produced beforehand. That testifies to great trust in the project. On the other hand, according to Deadline report, it is not one of the spin -offs that had previously been planned that Danny would have shipped to Texas, for example. Instead, an existing series idea of ​​the Showrunner Brandon Sonnier and Brandon Margolis (The Blacklist) was subsequently coated on the established Blue Bloods character.

The two Brandons Sonnier and Margolis will now serve as chief authors, while Jerry Bruckheimer and Kristie Anne Reed by Jerry Bruckheimer Television together with series star Wahlberg are named as executive producer. It is produced under the roof of the CBS Studios, which was also responsible for the original series.

It was not mentioned whether Tom Selleck will again appear as a police patriarch Frank Reagan.

When will the new Blue Bloods series come to television?

A Boston Blue series start in the TV season 2025/26 on US television. This begins in autumn of this year, but a start to the Midseason in early 2026. In Germany, the earliest year should be expected to be format.

The Blue Bloods original series ran 14 seasons long, some of which can be found at Joyn, Sky Go/WoW and Paramount+ in the flat rate. The final relay is currently running at Sky One and Sat.1 gold.
