The speech therapist solves crime with hearing-helped in 30 cases

In an investigation, the police can get a large number of audio files and in order for it to hold as evidence in court you need to be able to confirm that it is the designated person who speaks in the sound recording.

There, forensic speech comparison comes into the picture. At the police, the National Forensic Center (NFC) works with this but a few years ago they could not help the police in southern Sweden in one case.

An investigator sent an e -mail on profit and loss to the speech therapy at Lund University.

– And there I sat and worked with assessment of voice, speech and language. It became the first collaboration, says Susanna Whitling.

Folded fox troop

She and her colleagues got into how it works around the world and have since helped the police in some thirty cases.

– We will never be able to say, with no doubt, that it is the same person, but we can say how likely it is, says Susanna Whitling.

During these years, they have contributed, among other things, to the fact that an alleged Foxttrottopp was sentenced to prison for drug trafficking.
