The special place reserved by Attal for Darmanin, Marine Le Pen soon to be received at Matignon? – L’Express

The special place reserved by Attal for Darmanin Marine Le

It’s crazy how the dissolution has really clarified everything! This second five-year term is definitely like no other. The Attal government has already fallen, the European elections are barely over when the president decides to call legislative elections. With the result that we know… And some sixty days later, here is Michel Barnier at Matignon. For how long?

READ ALSO: This lunch that gets people talking in view of 2027, the government according to Sarkozy

HEC’s Revenge

More than a victory, a triumph: for the first time in the history of the Fifth Republic, HEC, the famous business school, is ahead, and not just a little, of the ENA and other leading schools with seven ministers in the Barnier government: Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet, Jean-Noël Barrot, Nicolas Daragon, Othman Nasrou, Benjamin Haddad and Marc Ferracci.

Attal-Darmanin, friendly neighbors

Gabriel Attal and Gérald Darmanin are the best of friends… at the moment. When the government was formed, the outgoing Prime Minister pleaded for his Minister of the Interior to be appointed to Defense, seeing that Michel Barnier did not want him at the Quai d’Orsay. In vain. So, he reserved a place for him right next to him in the hemicycle. While waiting for the photo of the duo in the new Assembly on Tuesday, Gabriel Attal will go to Tourcoing on Sunday for the political day organized by Gérald Darmanin.

READ ALSO: When Barnier was a (discreet) “bastard” of the right: “He knew how to slip through the cracks”

Copé, this model!

Gabriel Attal gathered all the members of the government who are members of Renaissance this Thursday and if he does not want to organize a clandestine council of ministers, he intends to do so fairly regularly. This Thursday morning, he asked them all to come to the group meetings. He is thus inspired by Jean-François Copé, who he considers to have been the best group president in recent history.

Antoine Armand, the repentant?

Slightly nostalgic confidences from a former ENA graduate from the “Georges Clemenceau” class, that of the new Minister of the Economy: “At the ENA, Antoine Armand said that he had voted for Jean-Luc Mélenchon in 2012! But we had a hard time believing it.” And he even tackled him, putting the weight of his convictions into perspective: “In any case, he always had an aesthetic conception of politics…”

READ ALSO: Didier Migaud, Minister of Justice, the left’s “false take”: “How does he imagine influencing…”

Le Pen-Barnier: after the phone call…

During Gabriel Attal’s brief stay, Marine Le Pen did not set foot in Matignon. It was Jordan Bardella who went to the Prime Minister’s invitations. With Michel Barnier, the same one whose phone call to the RN leader on Tuesday caused so much ink to flow, things will be different. If the head of government consults each of the group presidents, she has decided that she will be there this time.

Legion of Honor: an Olympic speed record

The Olympic and Paralympic Games have even managed to set speed records… for the Legion of Honor. Emmanuel Macron insisted on decorating the athletes during the September 14 parade, even before the decree appointing them to the National Order of the Legion of Honor was published (it was only published on September 23 in the Official Journal). The procedure is exceptional; it is sometimes used for posthumous decorations.

