the Spanish firm Terra Fecundis ordered to pay more than 80 million euros to Urssaf

the Spanish firm Terra Fecundis ordered to pay more than

The note is salty for Terra Fecundis which was found guilty of social dumping last year in France. The Marseilles court has just ruled on the civil interest owed by the Spanish temporary employment company. She will have to pay more than 80 million euros to Urssaf, the French organization responsible for collecting social security contributions.

It is nearly 80,400,000 euros that Terra Fecundis will have to pay to Urssaf in compensation for the financial damage it has caused by not paying social contributions and contributions. ” This is the largest case of Social Security fraud ever judged in France “, had underlined the lawyer of the Urssaf Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, master Jean-Victor Borel, during the trial.

This sum is in addition to the fine of 500,000 euros which the interim box had been fined at the time of his conviction last July. A four-year suspended prison sentence and a 100,000 euro fine were also imposed on the three Spanish leaders. On Friday, all three were recognized jointly and severally liable for the damage suffered by the civil party social organizations and will therefore have to personally participate in the payment of the 80 million euros. contacted byAFPthe lawyers of Terra Fecundis did not respond to requests for a reaction.

Exhausting working conditions for this vulnerable workforce

Terra Fecundis sent more than 26,000 South American workers to the south of France between 2012 and 2015, paid the French minimum wage. But, she paid social charges in Spain where they are up to 40% lower, making this vulnerable labor cheaper for French farmers.

The trial of Terra Fecundis had also highlighted the harassing working conditions of these precarious workers little inclined to defend themselves. ” It’s Germinal in farms with Terra Fecundis, the Human Beast has become a temporary work company “, had scolded the prosecution, evoking the novels of Émile Zola on the workers of the 19th century.

A symbolic victory for the voice of workers

The CFDT lawyer praised with some nuance the amount that Terra Fecundis will have to pay, it’s for him ” a very satisfying and at the same time a little frustrating decision because he points out that ” agricultural workers who dare not act for fear of reprisals have no direct redress “.

The union’s lawyer also clarified that it was ” an important symbolic victory thanks to which the voice of the workers was heard “.

To read: France: Terra Fecundis condemned for his massive fraud on posted work

(and with AFP)
