The SpaceX company’s space flight will take more personnel to the International Space Station – including Americans and Russians

The SpaceX companys space flight will take more personnel to

The International Space Station is one of the few international arenas where American and Russian cooperation continues.

Elon Musk’s Today, the Falcon 9 spacecraft of the company SpaceX, owned by the company SpaceX, set off for the International Space Station (ISS) from Cape Canaveral, Florida.

The ship is to take two American astronauts, one Russian cosmonaut and one astronaut from the United Arab Emirates to the space station.

The International Space Station is a permanently mobile laboratory in Earth’s orbit at an altitude of 420 kilometers, where the journey takes 25 hours.

Now the crew traveling to the station will spend half a year there, with the intention of doing about 200 scientific experiments.

Cosmonaut Andrei Fedjaev is the second Russian in history to travel to the International Space Station on an American ship.

The International Space Station is one of the few forums for international cooperation where Americans and Russians continue to cooperate seamlessly.

The space station already has seven employees, including three Americans, three Russians and one Japanese.

The International Space Station has been in operation non-stop for over two decades.

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