The sounds of the earth – Topolò, the past recomposed

On the border of Italy and Slovenia, Topolò is a mountain village deserted by its inhabitants, exiled abroad for more than sixty years to work. Here, the sounds related to the latest agricultural activities are still reminiscent of the past. Cutting wood or cadence of the scythe…: they mingle with the sounds of the storm, of nocturnal insects, of the mass in Italian and, above all, with the songs in the Slovenian dialect of the emigrants who, returning in the summer, sing them in the village square.

Presentation of the series The sounds of the earth »

Through the daily life of four women farmers, this series retraces the peasant culture of the Natisone valleys and the past life of one of its villages: Topolò. Reluctant to the industrialization of agriculture by their very nature, the valleys of Natisone, in Friuli, on the border of Italy and Slovenia, have also been marked by massive emigration. In this deserted territory, where the woods cover land that was once cultivated, four women, of different generations, have chosen to stay or return, to practice agriculture that respects the environment. Raising goats or cows, viticulture, harvesting wild herbs and preparing traditional recipes…: the “Sounds of the Earth” series accompanies them from dawn to night.


The sounds of the earth », a series produced and presented during the 27e edition of the Stazione di Topolò/Postaja Topolove festival, gave rise to listening and collective visual creations with the inhabitants and festival-goers.

All the recordings in this series have been the subject of listening sessions, workshops and public presentations as part of the 27e international art festival Station of Topolo / Postaja Topolove. From the daily sounds of women farmers, collected and edited by Monica Fantini and Luca Rullo, artists Elena Rucli and Laura Savina, members of the Robida collective, produced visual creations and led painting workshops with festival-goers. A collective work restored through mosaics, which today illustrate the episodes.

Elena Rucli and Laura Savina - Workshop

The Stazione di Topolò/Postaja Topolove festival

Meetings, concerts, dance, sound installations, listening sessions, readings, conferences, exhibitions…: founded in 1994 by a group of inhabitants who still live there, the international art festival Station of Topolo/Postaja Topolove every summer in July this deserted mid-mountain village, on the border of Italy and Slovenia, transfigures. Welcomed in residence, hundreds of artists from all over the world are invited to take over the premises to discuss, create and perform. The artistic proposals of the festival always resonate with the territory and its symbolism, linked to the border, the foreigner, the absence, the omnipresence of wood and the rebirth.

The Robida collective

Since 2014, young artists, residing in Topolò and gathered within the collective Robida, join the festival. Combining their attachment to this land with their art, they publish art and poetry reviews − in Italian and Slovenian −, create installations and organize screenings and walks on the secret forest paths around the village.

Topolò, Bells of the wood – sound postcards - Listening to the world - Elena Rucli and Laura Savina

listen to the world : a participatory platform to send sound and visual postcards

listen to the world is a miniature radio program, re-listened to as a podcast here, but also a participatory sound platform devoted to listening and sound creation. It archives and provides free access to more than 200 sound recordings sent from all over the world and also offers sound postcards.

Each episode of this series is thus declined in sound and digital postcard, composed of a sound and an image, which was inspired to the artists Laura Savina and Elena Rucli by the sound fragments of the daily life of the Natisone valleys. Cards to send from your computer or smartphone, with a personalized message…

Discover the sound postcard linked to this episode here

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Production team – Creation unit – RFI

Design and production: Monica Fantini

Sound recording: Monica Fantini and Luca Rullo

Thanks to Romano Bucovaz, Francesco and Adriano Chiabani, Aljaž Škrlep.

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Funded by the IMCAP program of the European Union

The content of this publication reflects the position of the author only and is his sole responsibility. The European Commission assumes no responsibility for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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