The solution lies in the kitchen! Effective cures to destroy foot fungus

The solution lies in the kitchen Effective cures to destroy

Foot fungus is among the skin diseases that are contagious. When hygiene and protection are not provided, it is necessary to follow the right treatments to solve the fungus that is easily transmitted to the other foot and other people. Many people prefer natural cures to prevent foot fungus. However, if you have foot fungus that does not go away despite these effective cures, you should see a doctor.


  • Frequent presence of feet in a humid and hot environment
  • Prolonged wearing of closed shoes
  • Walking barefoot in common areas such as pools and locker rooms
  • Weakening of the immune system
  • Neglecting foot health
  • Postponing nail care
  • Shared use of pedicure products in hairdressers
  • Wearing house slippers for a long time
  • Preferring tight shoes that force the foot


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  • Mix a teaspoon of olive oil with tea tree oil and apply directly to your toenail every other day for 20 days.
  • To kill the infection and bacteria on your toenails, you can put lemon on your toenails for 1 hour and leave it for 1 hour. Lemon will make the bacteria that cause toenail fungus disappear in a short time.
  • Soak your nail in lemon juice or put the lemon directly on the nail.
  • Put a cup of apple cider vinegar in a bowl of water. Soak your feet in water for 20 minutes and then dry thoroughly. You can also dry it with a medium heat dryer, so it will absorb any moisture that may be under your nail.
  • Mix one teaspoon of olive oil with 3 drops of thyme oil and apply it on the affected nail regularly for 3 weeks.
  • Add a finely chopped clove of garlic, 3 drops of white tendinoid iodine and 7 drops of lemon juice to a clear nail polish. Leave it for a week and apply a coat on the affected nail for 2 weeks. Use acetone and cotton to remove it.

