the solidarity of the cultural world in France

the solidarity of the cultural world in France

Vigils, appeals, open letters, days of solidarity… Since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the initiatives of cultural actors in France have multiplied to provide support to artists, but also and above all to the Ukrainian people.

Alongside Stanislas Nordey, director of the National Theater of Strasbourg, Lucie Berelowitsch is one of the initiators of the call signed by a very large number of directors and directors of scenes in France. Born in 1978, trained as an actress at the Moscow Conservatory and at the Chaillot school, her approach to theater was built on a strong bond with Russia, not forgetting the staging of her Antigonea punk cabaret created with the Dakh Daughters in Kiev, after the Maidan revolution.

Since 2019 director of the Préau, the national dramatic center of Normandy-Vire, in Calvados, the director explains to us how solidarity and the desire to welcome Ukrainian artists to France are being put in place: “ Some of the Ukrainian artists have remained in the country and are mobilizing in every way possible: by speaking out, by setting up support networks. So, to this day, the question is not what hospitality we can offer them, but how we can help them there. By setting up solidarity networks, [par exemple] with Poland. We are also in contact with Romania so that we can be extremely supportive and quick in case of reception. »

Read also : War in Ukraine: The Cultural Offensive

They say they feel a very strong mobilization from Europe and it is very important for them, continues Lucie Berelowitsch. And they would like us to be able to protect the Ukrainian skies. They say that the need to fight for their freedom, to be able to simply live, gives them strength. We feel the deep need to bear witness to what is happening and to demonstrate a strong front against the invader. »

The courage of those in Russia who took the risk of protesting against the invasion of Ukraine »

Like the Cannes Film Festival, many French cultural institutions, from the National Opera to the Philharmonie to the Avignon Festival, have expressed their ” support for the people of Ukraine and all people on its territory ” and ” oppose this unacceptable situation and denounce the attitude of Russia and its leaders “. For its 2022 edition scheduled for May, the largest film festival in the world has decided ” not to welcome official delegations from Russia nor to accept the presence of any authority linked to the Russian government. On the other hand, we want to salute the courage of all those who, in Russia, took the risk of protesting against the aggression and the invasion of Ukraine. »

A string quartet composed under the bombs

For their part, Ukrainian artists living in France are also mobilizing. This is the case, for example, of the famous Elysee Quartet… a quartet which includes the Ukrainian Andrei Malakhov. With his training, he will record a piece that is particularly close to his heart: “ The initiative would be to record a string quartet composed by a young 20-year-old Ukrainian composer, who is currently under bombardment in Kiev. It’s a very powerful and dark music and it carries a whole precursory element : one hears in particular, at a given moment, the sirens of the anti-aircraft alarm. First of all, we’re just going to broadcast the video to support them. And as far as charitable actions are concerned, we are also preparing with Ukrainian and French musicians, with the Ukrainian community in France, a concert of solidarity to help Ukraine. The date is normally confirmed for March 21, at the 15th arrondissement town hall in Paris. And we are working on a possible second date. »

A vigil of support

For their part, Friday March 4, from 8 p.m., Culturebox and France Culture will organize a five-hour support vigil at the Palais Chaillot-Théâtre national de la danse, live on channel 14 and on
