The Social Democrats: “You have left the school to its fate”

The Work Environment Agency’s review of reports of violence in grades F-6 shows a sharp increase since 2019. The Social Democrats believe that the rise is a direct result of the government’s policy.

In the cost crisis that has prevailed in recent years in the Swedish economy, they have chosen to cut the school budget, says Åsa Westlund, education policy spokesperson for the Social Democrats.

– Unfortunately, Sweden’s municipalities have a statutory obligation to always keep the budget in balance and the state does not, so it is the state that has to step in in situations like this. And this government has not done that, they have left the school to its fate in this cost crisis, says Åsa Westlund.

Want to see resource classes

The Center Party also criticizes the government’s budget and suggests that resource classes should be created so that children who do not function in regular classes will receive better support.

– I would like to see resource classes where the students who show antisocial behavior, who show violence, tendencies to mess up are removed early on and that they are given early on completely different conditions and the support they need, says party leader Muharrem Demirok.

What responsibility do you think you have for what you did during the time you were in the government?

– I think no politician can swear to be free from this whole situation. However, one can see that the situation has escalated in recent years, says Demirok.
