The Social Democrats open for reduced tax on fuel

The Social Democrats open for reduced tax on fuel

Published: Less than 30 min ago

On September 30, the tax reduction on fuel introduced by the Social Democrats will disappear. Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson is now opening the door for a new reduction in the autumn – also below the EU limit level.

– We have also applied to the EU to lower the tax further, says Magdalena Andersson.

On Saturday, Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson will visit Malmö for her election campaign. In connection with that, Aftonbladet asked questions about how the government should handle the current energy crisis and high fuel prices.

The tax reduction on fuel will disappear on 30 September. Was it just some kind of whale pork?

– We follow developments very carefully and take measures to support those who are hit hardest by the Putin prices. We have also applied to the EU to lower the tax further. Now we have lowered the tax as low as you can get according to EU directives. We are also looking at whether the tax can be lowered further, says Magdalena Andersson (S).

full screen Magdalena Andersson (S). Photo: KRISTER HANSON

So there could be another tax cut in the future?

– We absolutely do not rule anything out. But above all, we Social Democrats want to change the travel deduction so that it will be more favorable for those who need the car for work. And increase the mileage allowance from 18.50 to a full 25 kroner.

The Social Democrats recently announced that they will introduce high-cost protection for electricity consumers. It is to be financed by 30 billion from Svenska kraftnät. Today, the Prime Minister said that it is not a matter of temporary protection. But is something that will continue as long as the energy crisis lasts.

– This will be able to run as long as we have these extreme prices, says Andersson.

Doesn’t the support measure risk increasing inflation?

– The good thing about our proposal is that this is money that households have paid into Svenska kraftnät, which you now get a refund on. It also means that the money you pay in now with these electricity prices – you get a refund on.
